A specially curated streaming radio station JUST for those of us who like cars and classic rock, the AutoRockRadio Network is a great alternative to mainstream programming. Minimal advertising, maximum music!
If you’ve ever dreamed of owning your OWN streaming radio station, find out how you or someone you know can create their own hyper local music streaming service in your town.

Give it a listen here: AutoRockRadio.com
Call Ross Parks 1(902)997-1242 or email [email protected] for more details and to have an affiliate package emailed (tell him Greg from NICOclub sent you).
Also coming soon: AutoCountry, AutoMetal, and AutoPop – A great ground-floor opportunity to get involved!
NOTE: Candidates MUST have sales, public relations , media and marketing experience. They must also be well connected to businesses within the city or town they live.
Thanks for tuning in, and feel free to share with folks you know!