How to: Install a Stillen Pulley on QR25DE 2.5S Sentra
BY: Hollaitzwillie
Just got the Stillen Pulley in today!! Let’s install it, shall we?
Tools needed
Assorted wrenches / sockets
Pulley Puller
Pry bar
Torque wrench
Factory Repair Manual – Nissan Sentra Factory Service Manual
New Belt Gates Part Number K060883
Most important – a friend to help!
First jacked up the front right side of the car, took off the wheel, disconnected the battery and then removed the plastic fender lineing [5 clips] and this is what you get.

After that you need to take the tension off the belt. First get a small screwdriver [about 3 inch long or a drill bit, or whatever] and then locate the two holes right next to the belt tensioner where you would put the screwdriver in. I pulled on the belt from the engine bay and then the holes lined up. Had my friend put the screwdriver in.
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What I did to take the bolt off: I put a big screwdriver in the OEM pulley so it won’t spin and then took the bolt off with a breaker bar and a wrench on the end for more power [righty tighty, lefty loosey!]. I then took 2 flat head screwdrivers behind the pulley and popped it out. It wasn’t hard to take off.
Make sure they are the same size!
Take your anti-seize and put a little bit on the inner hole of the pulley so it can glide right in. Then take a torque wrench and set it for 33 FT-LBS and torque down the bolt.
After seating the pulley make a mark on the pulley lining up with the bolt at 12 o’clock. Then to the left the second mark will go on the bolt. That’s when I stuck a screw driver in the hole of the pulley so it wont spin and tightened the bolt [60 degrees] till both marks lined up at 12 o’clock – Sorry, the pics weren’t clear.
After that you just need to put on the new belt provided from Stillen. I had my Owners Manual so I knew how the new belt was going on. Be sure to check that the belt is on all of the grooves or else ur engine will tear up the belt. Then I took my screw driver off the belt tensioner. Put the plastic fender liner back on, reattach the wheel, and reconnect the battery – You’re done!
What i really needed was a impact wrench (to remove the pulley bolt without holding the pulley) and a lift! Regardless, it took about an hour in my garage.
I test drove my car and noticed that the throttle response was better.
I hope this article helps you guys! If you have any questions or comments, you can put them here: Installing a Stillen Pulley on a Nissan Sentra