Article Series
‘Street Talk’ with Danny Mayer
Danny Mayer has worked in the automobile industry for over 25 years in virtually every executive, sales and administrative position. He gained a reputation for being able to very quickly uncover ways in which dealerships can increase profits, operating more efficiently and sell more cars. He did this with 2 thoughts in mind. How do I take better care of the customer, both before they become a customer and after they do? He answered those questions and so well that he has worked for the largest and most-well-respected dealer operations in the country. More to the point, Danny was there when the Internet came into vogue and figured out how to use it to answer the same questions above. He is by far the most progressive automobile executive on the web and when anyone wants an answer to a ‘car buying’ question, they say “Ask Danny”.
So, instead of authoring a column named “Ask Danny”, we just made it Street Talk with Danny Mayer. You’ll be getting weekly diatribes and all-around good, relevant information regarding the automobile industry and specifically the issues surrounding the purchase of a new or used car. Oh yes, you can just Ask Danny!
And now Street Talk with Danny Mayer will be a permanent column on, the foremost leading source of Nissan and Infiniti information.
Street Talk Articles
The Reputation of a Car Salesperson
In this installment of Danny’s Corner, Danny interviews America’s leading Infiniti salesperson. Allison Cohen has connected 166 owners with new Infinitis thus far in 2007, and shows no signs of slowing down – Read what makes her tick!
The Advantages of Leasing Rather Than Owning
Would you purchase a home or invest in a stock knowing full well that in two years it could be worth only 50% of your original investment. The answer is obvious, of course. However, that is what happens when you purchase an automobile or truck….
Buy a Car or Get a Root Canal
Should buying a new car be as miserable as a trip to the dentist? Are consumers prepared to embrace a new way of buying cars? Danny Mayer walks us through an innovative and anonymous approach to the vehicle purchasing process…
How To Avoid A “Greedy” Dealer
When buying a new car, is it fair to pay a premium for a “newly-released” model?Is it legal for the dealer to charge more than the MSRP? How can you avoid getting gouged by a greedy dealer?Danny Mayer answers all these questions and more…