Here is a do it yourself step by step narrative for those of you who have had issues with the dome light bulbs. Most of the LEDs have the polarity wrong, and since these are not wedge bulbs, they cannot be simply turned around.
You will need to disassemble them, switch the wires to reverse the polarity, and reassemble the LEDS.
Everyone has a preference for the vendor/brand of bulbs, but I found some inexpensive SMD LED bulbs that work great!
You need a couple common tools:
– Tweezers or little alligator clip holders
– A small razor or pen knife
– Rosin core solder
– Soldering gun
– needle nose pliers
This is the bulb I used for the dome light:
first use the razor or knife to loosen the base from the LEDs. slide the knife between the base and the LED and gently cut them apart. Dont cut all the way through!!! BE GENTLE.
work the base away from the LEDs
You can either use a small solder vacuum to suck the solder out of the base, or you can just melt the solder and pull the top, and the wire, out of the melted solder.
There should be some sort of silicone, or glue holding it all together. cut/peel away the old silicone and expose the wires.
1. one wire will fit straight down through the hole in the bottom of the base
2. the other wire will be soldered to the inside wall of the base
Melt the solder on wire 2 and pull it away from the base. Switch the wires, and solder the other wire back onto the base into position 2.
Silicone around the bottom of the LEDs and slide it back into the base. The loose wire should slide straight down into the hole in the bottom of the base.
Hold the LED and the base together until the silicone dries.
One wire should be sticking up through the bottom of the base
Solder around the wire to fill in the hole and create a solid soldered base
The LED should fit perfectly into the socket, and your light should turn on! I recommend pulling the fuse from the box from the driver side under the dash before switching the bulbs.
Here are some pictures of the finished product! Enjoy!
Good luck!