In this article I will provide some pictures to walk you through the in cabin air filter replacement on your Infiniti M-series. The procedure does indeed vary from that of other Infiniti vehicles and special attention needs to be paid to the plastic components. The photos are from a low res cell camera, my apologies.
This procedure should take maybe half an hour and is not recommended if you are having a bad day. There are several plastic clips that require only gentle manipulation.
We will start by removing the glove box lid. By opening the door and pulling towards you from left to right you will unlock the locking tabs on the pivot point.

Once the door is freed you will see a small tension cord on the right side. This is removed with gentle manipulation.
Once the cover is out of the way it would be a good idea to remove the lower dash cover. This is done by gently pulling downward from the rear facing edge using even pressure.
You will see a segment of the plastic cover in the top left of the black plastic panel behind the glove box finisher. This is removed by pushing forward and down on the horizontal portion of the L shaped cover.
Behind that cover you will see a white plastic cover. There is a tab on the right side that is unlocked with a gentle pull towards you. This will unlock the right side of the door. Caution must be paid and only open the door about 1″. Once the door is cracked, grab hold of the door and pull to the right.
Note the locking tabs on the left side of the door.
From here you will be able to access the filter. Make sure to reinstall the filter so you can read the words on it.
This is why you change the filter at least once a year.
When reinstalling make sure you align the locking tabs before attempting to secure the clip on the right side. This will take a slight amount of up and down movement to secure these tabs. Try to move the door as little as possible to ensure the filter stays in its track. A loud noise may be heard if the door is moved in excess and the filter either contacts the recirculation door of blower motor.
Once the white door is secured it is time to reinstall the finished cover. Align the tabs and install in the same order you removed it.
Note the three aligning tabs on the bottom of the cover.
After that cover is secure install the glove box finisher. This is the part that can be frustrating to some.
This is a four step process:
1.Pull out the tension cord and secure it to the box lid. It snaps in with even pressure
2.The round protruding piece on the side on the right side of the box lid needs to be fitted into its track.
3. Secure the left cylinder in it’s
4.Now you need to align the pivoting clips. The best method for this is to use your free hand to guide the tabs, they can be fragile. Once they are aligned push down gently until you feel a pop and the inward and outward movement becomes fluid.
Always verify the operation before reinstalling the lower cover.
After you have verified the operation is fluid and quiet reinstall the lower finisher cover. This is done by aligning the two protruding tabs on the firewall with the corresponding tabs on the lower cover.
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