by adrians13
Sidemarkers. Seems like Nissan went through the trouble of putting them on your fender and having them light up, but they don’t do much else. If you want the increased safety and neato look of a sidemarker that flashes in sync with your turn signals, read on!
Difficulty: * to **
Time: less than 1 hour
Cost: $0-$5
– wire strippers
– butt connectors
– wire
if you cut any other wire, your car will blow up! not really.
When your finished, do the other side the same way. Put everything back together and try them out. with the parking lights off, the sidemarker and turn signal should blink together. with the parking lights/headlights on, they should blink alternating, same goes with emergency lights. You can do the rear lights too, just do it the same way. This can also be done with the USDM sidemarkers and turnsignals too. Now you can be jdm-tyte!