…by doing something you’re probably already doing!
If your shop or garage is like mine, there’s people in and out. Grubby buddies (who no doubt don’t wash their hands very often) are using your tools, your paper towels, your sink, even your shop restroom. While the shop here at Datsun Ranch isn’t always sanitary, I like to keep it clean. A clean shop means the cars stay cleaner, there’s less chance of contamination when you build something, and it’s way safer. Plus, it just looks more professional.
So, last year, I did a review on some shop wipes from Dirteeze, and really liked their product lineup. I use most of their products here at Datsun Ranch, and have turned on a few friends to their easy-to-use products as well. But now, there’s something new, and it’s just as easy to use as their regular shop wipes.
You’ve no doubt been pummeled by media reports and news about the importance of washing your hands, covering your face, and disinfecting surfaces. But there’s more to it than this. See, cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing are three different processes.
Cleaning is the mechanical process of relocating dirt, germs, viruses and bacteria – Like when you mop a floor or wash your hands. Cleaning doesn’t kill germs, it just relocates them, along with the rest of the dirt, either down the drain or wherever.
Disinfecting is a process of utilizing chemicals to kill germs, like spraying Lysol on a stainless tabletop. Disinfecting, however, doesn’t clean dirty surfaces – but it can lower the risk of spreading infection.
Sanitizing involves cleaning and disinfecting, and this is what we’re going to talk about. The new Dirteeze wipes in the purple container are FDA certified for antibacterial and sanitizing properties.
See, if you’re already wiping something down (tools, a car interior, surfaces in your shop), why not kill two birds with one stone? Working smarter, not harder, leaves you more time to work and build cool stuff! Plus, you’re removing harmful germs and viruses so that you reduce your risk factors for contracting a communicable infection.
No, not really. That’s it.
BUT, if you want to try the Dirteeze line of products, you can buy them locally or get them on Amazon. Pop in and let us know what you think, and have fun cleaning up that messy shop!